
Homework Term 4 Week 6

Writing Focus

Task 1 - Writing - The final challenge. 

Go to the Writing @ Raroa blog and enter the final challenge of the year!!!
It is a caption challenge so be as creative as possible.
To enter, leave a comment below the pictures.
Your captions need to be entered by 3pm on Friday. 
Good luck!!!

Task 2 - Writing -  Sharing writing

Choose a piece of writing you are particularly proud of this year. It might be a creative piece or it could be from one of the genres we looked at.  Type it on a google doc and share it wit me.

Task 3 - Other Stuff

Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise.

Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 mins each night.

Homework Term 4 Week 3

Task 1 - Inquiry - Leaving a Legacy at Raroa

This term's inquiry focus looks at different ways to leave a legacy at Raroa. 

This needs to be ready to share with others this Thursday 22nd October
Read the article: Kids leaving a legacy at Gisborne school

Use the links and decide on three options and decide what legacy these people have made to our world. Record your thinking ready to share on Thursday.
      David Lange

Martin Luther King



Nelson Mandela

Buck Shelford

Peter Jackson

Identify one person from the list (could be from sport, humanitarian, politics, science etc) and state what their legacy is. Give a bit of background information to support your statement. Remember written in your own words. You may insert a link so others can find out more about the person at the end

Task 2 - Other Stuff

  • Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise
  • Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 mins each night.

Homework Term 4 Week 2

Task 1 - Social Studoes

Media / Current issues investigation
Find a news article that is triggers an emotional response
  • Briefly describe the what the article is about?
  • Why and how has it triggered an emotional response.
  • What type of current events is your article - Local, national, international, entertainment  etc..
  • Opinion - what are your thoughts on the article?  (more than just a sentence)
  • Tell someone about the article - Can you get an emotional response.

Task 2 - Other Stuff

  • Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise
  • Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 mins each night.

Homework Term 4 Week 1

Task 1 - Country Study
  This is the same task as I gave to you at the end of last term. Each of you have been shared a Google Slide with all the information. 

Some of you have made progress and need to respond and act on the feedback you have already got. 

   Presentations will begin at the start this week. Completed tasks must be handed by the end of this week. 

Good luck!!!

Task 2 - Other Stuff
Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise.

Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 mins each night.

Homework Term 3 Week 10

Task 1 - Country Study
After Japan’s historic RWC win, you are going to conduct research on Japan, and present it to 
the class, as part of this homework task. Each of you have been shared a Google Slide with all the information. 

   Presentations will begin at the start of next term and continue throughout the 1st week. Completed tasks must be handed in the start of term 4.

Task 2 - Other Stuff
Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise.

Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 mins each night.

Homework Term 3 Week 9

Task 1 - Te Reo
Watch the video and answer the questions at the end. Use this as an opportunity to practice your pronunciation. This week, we'll revise greetings. How to greet one person, two people and three or more people. We'll revise our ten top words from the last show, and we'll eavesdrop on a 100% te reo Māori conversation with a native speaker.

Task 2 - Writing Challenge
Check out the Raroa Writing Blog and enter this weeks challenge (challenge 7 - the last challenge for term 3). 
Enter by making a comment on the writing blog before Friday 3 pm.
Remember your name and room number.

Task 3 - Other Stuff
Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise.

Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 mins each night.

Homework Term 3 Week 8
Task 1 - Te Reo
Watch the video and answer the questions at the end. Use this as an opportunity to practice your pronunciation.

Task 2 - Writing Challenge
Check out the Raroa Writing Blog and enter this weeks challenge (challenge 6). 
Enter by making a comment on the writing blog before Friday 3 pm.
Remember your name and room number.

Task 3 - Other Stuff
Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise.

Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 mins each night.

Homework Term 3 Week 7

Task 1 - Emotive language
Find a photo, or take your own, of something that you could write at least 50 words about. Make this an expressive piece of writing that uses a lot of emotive language (words that describe emotions)
  The photo could be of:
- Something you think is beautiful
- People showing emotion
- Capturing a moment (re-union between two old friends)

Task 2 - Writing Challenge
Check out the Raroa Writing Blog and enter this weeks challenge.

Task 3 - Other Stuff
Mathletics - A couple of times a week please plus your times table practise.

Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 min each night.

Homework Term 3 Week 6
Task 1 - Current Events
Find a news article on-line or in a newspaper that captures your intention (evokes emotion) and answer the following questions about it:
- What is the author's purpose
- What have they done to capture your interest (e.g language features, effective vocabulary etc)
- Provide a link to your article

Task 2 - Flag Debate
Click the link to view the flags and choose the one you think should be the new New Zealand flag. Click on the flag to read more about the design of the flag. Write 6 - 8 sentences on a google doc justifying why you have chosen it.

Note: Choose a flag even if you don't think we should be changing it.

Task 3 - Riddle
What can be driven but has no wheels, and can be sliced yet remains whole?

Task 4 - Maths

Log on to Mathletics and complete at least 20 minutes completing one of the proportions and ratio tasks that has been set for you.

*Please note that this task in addition to the times table practice that you are already doing.

Homework Term 3 Week 5
Task 1: Maths

This week we will be looking at the construction of routes on a map. We would like you to work together with someone in your family to choose two points on a map and then make a list of instructions on how to go along that route from beginning to end using a protractor and compass.

I would like to see these instructions to see if we can follow them in class. Try to find routes where the sections are straight lines.

* *Please note that this task in addition to the Mathletics and times table practice that you are already doing.

Task 2 - Writing Goals

This week I would like you to make new goals for this terms writing. We need to discuss this goal after you have done it. This may be a wider writing goal like I would like to improve my use of commas and full stops or something more specific to persuasive writing like I would like to include rhetorical questions in my persuasive argument.

Task 3 - Reading

Don't forget to read for 20 mins each night. Make a note of what you are reading and email it to me.

Task 4 - Riddle

What's black when you buy it, red when you use it and grey when you throw it away?

Homework Term 3 Week 4

Task 1: Maths

This week in our Geometry lessons, we will be looking at position and orientation. Your task is to find maps on the internet (at least 3) that have grid or coordinate references, Find some places (at least 5) on the maps and write down the name of the place and grid/coordinate references. Finally, share the doc with me.

*Please note that this task in addition to the Mathletics and times table practice that you are already doing.

Task 2 - 30 or more successes
It has been a super success filled year so far. Bullet point 30 or more successes and share it with me.

Task 3 - Reading

Don't forget to read for 20 mins each night. Make a note of what you are reading and email it to me.

Task 4 - Riddle

     No matter how terrible things get for the people of the Arctic, they will not eat a penguin.
     Why not?

Homework Term 3 Week 3

Task 1 - Goals
Complete the following:
- Reflect on each of your goals. What actions have you done to achieve your goal? What have you achieved? What do you still need to work on?
Complete your term 2 reflection on a google document and share it with me. At least 6 - 8 sentences.

Task 2 - Current Events
Find a piece of World news. Write a paragraph summarising the following:
What is the article about?
Who, When, Where and How.
Your Opinion.

Task 3 Mathletics.
  Mathletics - Spend at least 20 minutes on mathletics. If you have completed your set tasks, choose some tasks that relate to your maths goals.
Task 4 - Riddle (a challenge for you not Google)

Send me, buy me, deliver me. What am I?

Remember completed homework, can add up to 2,000 points for your team!

Homework Term 3 Week 2 (20th July - 24th July) 

Task 1 - Writing - Punctuation Practice

Use the link provided to help with your punctuation practice. Specifically full stops, commas, capital letters and apostrophes. Leave a comment with something you have learned, once you have completed the tasks.

Task 2 - Maths - Mathletics

This week we will be starting our Maths classes with Room 17 on Geometry. Before we begin, I would like each of you to complete the Geometry - Getting Started task that is set for you in Mathletics and the first task I have set on angles. Good luck!!!

Task 3 - Riddle

A man wants to buy a used car. He finds a beautiful Ford for $9,500, but he buys it without paying a cent.

How did he manage this?

Remember completed homework, can add up to 2,000 points for your team!

Homework Term 3 Week 1 (20th July - 24th July) 

Welcome Back!!!!

Task 1 - Reading - Man on the Moon

This week exactly 46 years ago, man landed and walked on the moon for the very first time. Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

Task 2 - Maths - Mathletics

This term we will be starting our Maths classes with Room 17 on Geometry. Before we begin, I would like each of you to complete the Geometry - Getting Started task that is set for you in Mathletics. Good luck!!!

Task 3 - Riddle

Five pirates are parting ways after finding a treasure of 100 pieces of gold. The pirates decide to split it based on a vote. Each pirate, from oldest to youngest, gets to propose a plan on how to split the gold.

If at least 50 percent of the other remaining pirates agree on the plan, that is how they will split the gold. If less than 50 percent of the pirates agree, the pirate who came up with the plan will be thrown overboard. Each pirate is smart, greedy, and wants to throw as many others overboard as possible without reducing the amount of gold they get.

What plan can the first (oldest) pirate propose to live and get as much gold as possible?

Homework Term 2 Week 10 (22nd June - 26th June)

Task 1 - Physics Inquiry
Click one on one of the links that relates to your chosen physics challenge.
Record on a google doc at least 5 new things you learnt from watching the video or reading the webpage. Note down any new questions you have. Add this to your inquiry doc if it is relevant!

Flight (Brainpop username: raroa. Password: 2972)

Task 2 - Goals
Continue to evaluate and reflect on your goals. Remember to add a new goal for term 3!

Task 3. Other stuff.
Mathletics - A couple of times a week please
Reading - You should be reading for at least 20 minutes each night.
Riddle - During what month do people sleep the least?

Homework Term 2 Week 9 (15th June - 19th June)

Task 1:

This term we have been beginning to learn French. On the link below, you will find three challenges involving what we have learnt about names, numbers and places. 

Make a copy of the document, save it and share it back with me. 

Bon chance (good luck)!

 Task 2:

  It is important that you spend some time on Mathletics this week. I have set new tasks for each group, these correspond with what we will be doing in class. Spend at least twenty minutes, twice this week on Mathletics.

  Task 3:


What can you catch but not throw?

Homework Term 2 Week 8 (8th June - 12th June)

Task 1:

     Goals: These are shared in your Goal folder. Please complete them and share with me when you have finished (3000 points if shared Monday, 2000 if shared Tuesday) Must be shared by Wednesday. Email me if you have problems with this.

 Task 2:
  Reflection:: How are things going? You need to write me 3 paragraphs (1 thing you are proud of, 1 thing that is worrying you that you want a hand with, and 1 thing of interest you would like to share)

Task 3:

It is important that you spend some time on Mathletics this week. I have set new tasks for each group, these correspond with what we will be doing in class. Spend at least twenty minutes, twice this week on Mathletics.

Task 4:


What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Homework Term 2 Week 7 (2nd June - 5th June)

Task 1:

  This week in class we will be looking at survival, your task  will be to help save two Kiwi kids who have crash landed on Niu Island.
There are 8 tasks, that need to be completed in order for these children to  survive.

Click below to start...

Email me something you have learned about the Pacific. 

 Task 2:

  It is important that you spend some time on Mathletics this week. I have set new tasks for each group, these correspond with what we will be doing in class. Spend at least twenty minutes, twice this week on Mathletics.

  Task 3:


What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

Homework Term 2 Week 5 and 6 (18th May - 29th May)

Task 1:

This week in class, we will be looking at Newton's third law of motion. This states that
"Every reaction has an equal but opposite reaction"

Click on this link, follow the instructions and perform the experiment that proves Newton's third law.

Record yourself doing it or get someone else to record you and share it with me. On the document, also share with me the answer to each of these questions - 
  1. "What happens to the water?
  2. Name another way we can prove Newton's 3rd law?

 Task 2:

  It is important that you spend some time on Mathletics this week. I have set new tasks for each group, these correspond with what we will be doing in class. Spend at least twenty minutes, twice this week on Mathletics.

  Task 3:


What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

Homework Term 2 Week 4 (11th May - 14th May)

Task 1:

 This week our first task will be to explore Newton's first law of motion. Use a          coin tower to demonstrate inertia, friction and movement. 

     Click on this physics link and using a butter knife and a stack of coins, you'll        remove the bottom coin from an entire tower of coins. 
     Record yourself doing it or get someone else to record you and share it with     me. I would also like you to write an explanation of how this experiment works  in your own words and share it with me.* 

     *Hint: There is an explanation if you scroll down from the video. However I do     not want you to copy and paste. This needs to be in your own words. 

    Task 2:

   It is important that you spend some time on Mathletics this week. I have set new tasks for each group, these correspond with what we will be doing in class. Spend at least twenty minutes, twice this week on Mathletics.

    Task 3:

       Riddle - What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Homework Term 2 Week 3 (4th May - 8th May)

Task 1:

    This week our first task will be to review last term's goals. You will need to 

    decide whether you have achieved your goal and if you have, show me an 

    example of what you now do (your strategy) to achieve this. You will add 

    this to your goal document sheet before making a new goal this term. 

    Task 2:

   It is important that you spend some time on Mathletics this week. I have 

   set new tasks for each group, these correspond with what we will be doing 

   in class. Spend at least twenty minutes, twice this week on Mathletics.
    Task 3:
What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take it in when you don't want to use it?

Homework Term 2 Week 1 (28th April - 1st May)

   Task 1:

      Our inquiry this term is based on physics, why not get yourself involved through trying an experiment of your own. Watch Physics Girl's 7 top experiments on surface tension here and try one. You should have most of the equipment in your cupboards at home and please do not forget to ask permission from an adult before embarking on your experiment.

"    Surface tension is the energy, or work, required to increase the surface area of a liquid due to intermolecular forces. Since these intermolecular forces vary depending on the nature of the liquid (e.g. water vs. gasoline) or solutes in the liquid (e.g. surfactants like detergent), each solution exhibits differing surface tension properties."

     Why not try your own experiment (from Physics Girl's top 7) and get someone to film you doing it and share or send it to me. Alternatively, share with me your plan - including the steps involved and the materials required.

     Good luck!!!!

    Task 2:

     It is important that you spend some time on Mathletics this week. I have set new tasks for each group, these correspond with what we will be doing in class. Spend at least twenty minutes, twice this week on Mathletics.

    Task 3:
    You are a bus driver. At the first stop, 4 people get on. At the second stop, 8 people get on. At the third stop, 2 people get off, and at the last stop, everyone gets off. The question is: What colour are the bus driver’s eyes?

Homework Term 2 Week 1 (20th April - 24th April)

  Welcome Back!!

   Task 1:
     On the 25th of April, New Zealand will celebrate ANZAC day. ANZAC day commemorates all New Zealanders killed in war and also honours returned servicemen and women. The date itself marks the anniversary of the landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers – the Anzacs – on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915.
    Your first homework task this term will be to reread the poem we will be looking at in class - In Flanders Field -  and then write a postcard home to a family member/friend from the perspective of a soldier fighting in WWI.

    Task 2:
    This is an unusual paragraph. What is odd about it? Go to work and try your skill. Good luck!!! You would think that nothing is wrong with it at all as it looks so ordinary but it is not usual at all. Why? If you think about it and study it hard you may find out. I'm not going to assist you in any way. Work at it for a bit, without any coaching or hints and no doubt it will dawn on you soon!!

    Task 3:

    This week, as the first week back, it is important that you spend some time on Mathletics. I have set new tasks for each group, that correspond with what we will be doing in class.

Task 4:

    I’m the son of water but when I return to water. I die. Who am I?


Homework Term 1 Week 9 (30th March - 2nd April)

     Task 1:
      Before school or at home use the Mathamagician to practice your basic facts. 

     Task 2:
     Reflection: It's your last homework of the term. It's time to reflect. How are things going? You need to write me 3 paragraphs (1 thing you are proud of, 1 thing that is worrying you, that you want a hand with, and 1 thing of interest you would like to share).

     Task 3: 
    Riddle: What can travel around the world while it stays in a corner? 

Homework Term 1 Week 8 (23rd March - 27th March)

Task 1 - Kid President - For Heroes

At home or before school, click on the link (the highlighted words above) and answer the questions below.

What are the key messages?  (list at least 5)
What do you think about what the Kid President is saying?
List 5 people you think are heroes and state why you think they are a hero?

Task 2
Media / Current issues investigation
Find a news article that is a about someone going after their dream
  • What type of current events is your article - Local, national, international, entertainment  etc..
  • What is their dream? How are they achieving it?
  • Opinion - what do you think of the particular event?  (more than just a sentence)

Task 3 - Mathletics
This week it is important that you spend some time on Mathletics.

Task 4 - Riddle
What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years?


Week 7 - Monday the 16th - Friday the 20th March
Task 1:

Exercise 1: mixed problems

Work out the answers to these problems in your head.  Use the quickest method for each problem, then record your strategy so that other people can understand how you have done the problem
1)         257 + 199                            (2)       478 - 125                            (3)       4 ´ 37

4)        140 ¸ 4                                (5)       198 - 74                              (6)    125 ¸ 10

7)        195 ´ 4                                (8)       235 - 77                              (9)    198 + 99

10)       179 + 56                              (11)      128 ¸ 5                                (12)  345 + 60

13)       63 ´ 10                                (14)     26 ´ 5                                  (15)    612 ¸ 6

16)       264 ¸ 6                                (17)     257 + 356                           (18) 374 - 189

Exercise 2: solving equations

An equation is a maths sentence with an equal sign in it.  For example o + 4 = 9.  When we solve an equation we work out the missing number to make the sentence true, so the answer to the problem above is 5. 
In equations we often miss out the multiplication sign when writing the problem, so 2o + 4 = 10 means 2 ´ o + 4 = 10.  Here 2 ´ 3 + 4 = 10, so the answer is 3
Solve these equations (find the missing number that makes the sentence true).
1)         5 + o = 9                             (2)       16 - o = 14                         (3)   3o = 12

4)        o + 5 = 20                          (5)       7o = 56                         (6) 50 ¸ o  = 10

7)        o - 24 = 12                         (8)       o + 32 = 56                        (9)    4o = 48

10)       54 - o = 19                         (11)      3o = 54                        (12) 65 - o  = 27

13)       o + 29 = 73                        (14)     100 ¸ o = 20              (15)          o ¸ 4 = 16

Did you notice?
With the larger numbers, the facts don’t jump into you head as quickly.  However, there is a way to work out the answers to such equations without having to memorise harder and harder facts. 

Exercise 3: Strategy development

Did you come up with a quicker way of working out the harder answers?  If so, choose two of the problems from numbers 10 to 15 and explain how you worked out the answer.  If these were too hard, show the problems to some of your family and see what they suggest, then explain how their method works.  
Task 2:

Guy Claxton - Magnificent Eight

This week I want you to look at the Magnificent Eight by Guy Claxton and answer the following question What does this mean for learning in 2015 and in Room 18?
1 Powerful learners are curious. They are born curious and are drawn to learning. They wonder about things, and know how to ask productive questions. They enjoy the process of wondering and questioning. Curious people, however, can be demanding and skeptical of what they're told.
2 Confidant learners have courage. They are not afraid of uncertainty and complexity. They have the confidence to say, 'I don't know?' - which is always a precursor to, 'lets find out'. They are willing to take risks and try new things. They 'stick' with things and 'bounce back' when things go wrong. They also know when to give up. They have 'mental toughness' or resilience.
3 Powerful learners are good at exploration and investigation they like finding out and are good at seeking and gathering information. They take the time to attend carefully and do not jump to conclusions. They are good at 'sifting' ideas and trust their ability to tell 'good evidence'.
4 Powerful learners requires experimentation. This is the virtue of trying things out to see if it works, or just to see what happens. They make mistakes, keeping what works for 'next time'. They like adjusting things, enjoy admiring their work in progress, and seeing how they can continually improve things. They say, 'lets try'...and, 'what if?' And they also know the importance of practice.
5 Powerful learners have imagination. They know how to use their 'inner world' to explore possibilities. They know how to make use of 'mental rehearsals' of how they might act.They also know how to relax and let idea come to them, finding links and connections ; they have a good feeling of 'rightness'.
6 The creativity of imagination needs to yoked to discipline. They have the ability to think carefully, rigorously and methodically. They are good at 'hard thinking' and ask, 'how come'? They are good at creating explanations, making plans, crafting ideas, and making predictions based on their evidence. They are also open to serendipity and to changing their minds if necessary.
7 Powerful learners know the virtue of sociability. They are happy collaborating and sharing their ideas and resources. They are good members of groups able to help groups solve problems. They are able to both give their views, receive feedback, and listen respectfully to others.

8 Powerful learners are reflective. They are able to step back and take stock of progress. They are able to mull over their actions and consider how they might have done things differently. Good learners are self aware, able to contemplate their actions to continually 'grow their learning power'.
Task 3:
My thunder comes before the lightning;

My lightning comes before the clouds;

My rain dries all the land it touches.

What am I?

Week 6 - (Monday the 9th - Friday the 13th of March)
Task 1 - Maths
Family and Whanau,

Over the past few weeks we have been investigating several different ways of approaching addition and 

subtraction problems. With your child, decide on a problem involving 3 or 4 digit numbers and solve it together

asking your child to show you 2 or 3 different ways it can be worked out. Share your thinking as well.

Put some problems in a container and play Clever Draw: each person draws out a problem, solves it in their 

head and then has to show the other person how they worked it out using a diagram (a drawing of your thinking).

Task 2 - Social Studies
Social Studies:
Below is another list of Maori words which often form part of Maori place names.

Mud / Sand or Beach
Fortified village
Ridge / Resting Place
Fruit / Egg
Rippling waters
Flood / flowing
Many / Hundred/ Leaf
Few or small
Lon or high
Muri / Mutu
End / Finished
Land / Country

Using these words and week 4's Maori words, see if you can work out the meaning of the following place names. Remember that in Maori the order is: Noun then adjective.

A.  Waikato
B.  Kaikoura
C.  Lake Whakaremoana
D.  Ruapuke
E.  Wairoa
F.  Aorangi
G.  Te Araroa
H.  Te Awamutu
I. Mount Maunganui  

Task 3 - 

  • Watch the TED talk What Adults Can Learn From Kids (at school in the morning or at home)
  • Reflect on the talk, what did you think about it? (Write 6-8 sentences)
  • You might want to write about:
  • What you agree with
  • What you disagree with
  • What do you think Adults can learn from kids?


Week 4 - (Monday the 23rd - Friday the 27th)
Task 1 - Maths - Challenge
Fill in the missing numbers:
Use the numbers 1 to 9 to complete the equations. 
You must use the number 7 three times.
















Task 2 - Social Studies
Social Studies:
Maori place names usually refer to features on the landscape or events that happened there. Paemako means ‘Perch of the Bellbird’. Here are some words which often form part of Maori place names.

Big / Plenty
Path or Road
River / Valley
Two / Cave
Sea / Coast
Small / Little
White / Clear
White / Clear
Branch / Stream
Bay / Stretch / Water

In Maori the adjective usually comes after the noun eg. large river – Awanui.
Using the Maori words above, see if you can work out the place names to go with each meaning. Look for each place on a map of NZ.
1.  Small lake – (27 km north east of Rotorua)
2.  Water in a cave – (North west of Te Kuiti)
3.  Two tides – (Corromandel District)
4.  Hot Water – (North of Orewa)
5.  Large Canoe – (11 km south-east of Ashburton)
6.  Sea wind – (10 km north-east of Hastings)

Task 3 - Riddle

No sooner spoken than broken? What am I?

Task 4 - 

Last week was Raroa's School Athletics day and by all accounts it was a great success!!!

Media / Current issues investigation
Find a news article or video that is a ‘Celebration of Success’
  • What type of current events is your article - Local, national, international, entertainment  etc..
  • What was the key to this success?
  • Opinion - what do you think of the particular event?  (more than just a sentence)


Week 3 (Monday 16 Feb-Friday 20 Feb)

Task 1:
Maths - 
Time how long it takes you to answer the following each night and note down the difference between Monday’s time and Thursday’s time!

  1. Find the mean of $35, $22 and $18
  2. How many centimeters are in 27.5 meters?
  3. What is the cost of 7 books at $12.00 each?
  4. What number is 21 less than 1,000?
  5. Write 5.15pm in 24-hour clock time.
  6. If sweets are 5 for 80c, find the cost of 20.
  7. How many hours from 9.00 am until 5 pm?
  8. Is 4 a factor of 36?
  9. Find the average of 17, 14, 12, 9, and 3?
  10. Write 50% as a fraction.

Task 2:
Reading - 
Fill out 2 sections of the top row of the reading challenge sheet provided.

Task 3
Riddle - 
What word begins and ends with an ‘e’ but only has one letter?

Task 4
Something worth sharing - 
You will have the opportunity to share on Friday.
Find an Article,  Ted Talk or Youtube clip worth sharing and discussing in class with a small group.

Weeks 1 & 2 (Tuesday 3 Feb-Friday 13 Feb)

You have two weeks to complete this homework. The due date is Friday the 13th of February. This is to ensure the highest quality. Remember the completed assignment is going to be hung on the wall! Good luck!



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  2. Practical analysis , Incidentally if you are interested in a CA DWC Form 10232.2 , my colleagues discovered a blank version here DWC Separator Sheet or http://www.pdffiller.com/.
